NOTE: This photo has nothing to do with my presentation at the pecha kucha night - I just thought you may like it. I took this in Penang, Malaysia, some years ago.

Pecha Kucha Night is a presentation format for creative work originally devised by Astrid Klein and MarkDytham of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa) in Tokyo, Japan in 2003.
The name derives from a Japanese term for the sound of conversation ("chit-chat"). A Pecha Kucha Night is a non-profit orientated event that is part of an international network and consists of a format where presenters show a data slideshow of 20 images, each of which is shown for 20 seconds, giving a total presentation time of 6 minutes 40 seconds.
Each event aims to have a maximum of 14 presenters. Presenters (and much of the audience) are usually from the design, architecture, photography, art, music and creative fields. The event format has been replicated in more than 172 cities including London, San Francisco, Seattle, Rotterdam, Shanghai, and Berlin, as well as in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Events are usually limited to one each month per city and to a minimum of four events per year. Pecha Kucha Nights Auckland is currently organising their twelfth event, Wellington hosted their fourth event in late 2008, and Nelson, Hamilton and Dunedin have recently joined the New Zealand contingent.
The next ecent in Christchurch is on 2nd April 2009 and this bloger is presenting 20 photographs.
Below are some additional links to more information about Pecha Kucha Nights in New Zealand and internationally:
also see kiwitravelwriters blog here