Wizard of New Zealand
· Bizarre/Oddities
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Wizard of New Zealand, also known as the Archwizard of Canterbury, is well known in New Zealand as a public speaker, performer, and eccentric.
The Wizard (his legally recognised name) has also been recognised as a "living work of art" by the National Gallery of Victoria and the Robert MacDougall Art Gallery, and as "Official Cosmologer" to the Union of the University of Melbourne. He is also the founder of the Imperial British Conservative Party, and Alf's Imperial Army.
on 1st july 2009 he was awarded a Queen's Service Medal for services to the community.[1]
The photos of the wizard in in his white 'summer' wizard clothes, and the one his coming and going car taken by the kiwitravelwriter
He is quite an interesting figure
I didn't know that he had received a medal Thanks for sharing and have a nice day
I appreciate the labor you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.
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