Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas is coming and I'm loosing weight

That title almost seems an oxymoron with all the luches and dinners I am attending - todays will be the worst calorie-wise as I'm off to an Indian restaurant (with a  friend with whom I'm doing a Thelma-and-Louise type road trip in March) and of course India does have high calorie food ... I will just have to be like them and have small - normal - amounts and enjoy it all.

(NOTE: a hint for if you want to loose wieght by limiting alcohol check this out a US study shows alcohol DOES NOT burn off no matter how you cook it - read more here)

I'm reading a great book (Nine Lives by William Darymple) which looks at nine Indians and their belief systems and actions: have only read two of the nine lives so far but I'm really enjoying it ... the one I have just finshed was in the Kerala area and it brings back great memories. This seems an appropriate place to confess: I think I'm one of the few women ever to have put on weight in that great country - so you can see I do have to watch portion sizes! But I do admit I'm looking forward to an authentic thali and will just have to make sure I take a 30-min plus walk this afternoon.

Talking sizes, I'm doing well and this week my weight-in was enjoyable as I'd lost a kilo (2.2lb for any Americans reading this) so moving smoothly toward my first goal of 5% (of my original weight) weight loss. Incremental goals seem to work well for me ... if I looked at what the end result needs to be that would be overwhelming .. and even with just 3kg fat gone, I've had a few people tell meI'm looking good .. nothing like stroking my ego for me to want to continue, especially as this has to be a lifetime change, not just a quick weight loss then breathe a sigh of relief and go back to my old ways. (which I have done before). My rule for health around food needs to be - "is this next mouthful supporting my health goals, or hindering them?" 

Well although I planned on putting some Christchurch photos on this blog - as in the square yesterday, as I walked home from weight-watchers, I stopped to watch some guys playing chess on the outdoor set and a Maori group perfoming traditional kapahaka - dance and song - and thought I'd use those photos but in honour if the meal I will be eating in 3 hrs, I'll take the cat (Mista) off my lap and hunt out a CD of my Indian photos and use some of them.

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