Wednesday, May 13, 2009

religion, atheists, bad manners and pets


May 5, 2009

Rumours of God's return are greatly exaggerated

Religion is on the rise, religion makes you happy. It may seem bad manners for we atheists to say it, but so do pets

On a desk in my school, long ago, some past sixth-former had written four words: “God is dead - Nietzsche”, followed by four more: “ Nietzsche is dead - God.” Even as a juvenile atheist I could see that the idea of the mad German getting his comeuppance from the unbelieved Almighty was funny.

And some readers today might similarly be enjoying the contents of a new book, God is Back: How the Global Rise of Faith is Changing the World, written by the Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, John Micklethwait, and his colleague Adrian Wooldridge. “You thought God had gone,” they seem to chant in the direction of the national grandstand where sits the secular elite, “you were wrong, you were wrong.” Read the rest of this thought provoking piece

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